How to connect to databases if you are outside the country
Unfortunately our proxy server does not allow international access. In order to bypass this use a browser such as Opera, which has it own Virtual Private Network (VPN) which will allow you to connect to our databases as if they were in the United States:
If you decide to go this route, the directions from Opera's Website give this for how to turn on the VPN:
To activate the free VPN for the first time, enable it in Menu -> Settings -> Privacy -> VPN. From now on you will see an icon on the address bar showing VPN status. Simply click on it to trigger VPN service on and off. You can then select your desired virtual location and also see stats on the data used.
Select your desired Virtual Location as the Americas. Ideally, this will connect you to a VPN server in the United States.
If this solution does not work you will need to investigate other VPN options.