What is the difference between ThinkingStorm and FCC Online Tutoring?
Current FCC students have two options for online tutoring:
- FCC Online Tutoring
- ThinkingStorm Online Tutoring
What's the difference?
With FCC Online Tutoring, students meet with FCC staff who help with course content AND share study skills advice that can lead to success. Sessions are conducted over Zoom and are by appointment in Blackboard. Students may schedule one session per course per day, as the schedule permits.
Current FCC students in introductory courses have first priority for online tutoring.
ThinkingStorm Online Tutoring is an option for students who need help after hours or with certain courses that are not covered by FCC tutors. Sessions are conducted via chat (audio is available for some sessions). Students are allotted 15 hours of ThinkingStorm tutoring a semester.