How do I write a good thesis statement?


A thesis asserts the central purpose and aim of an essay or research paper. When developing your thesis, keep the following points (taken from FCC's Tutoring and Writing Center handout on the Thesis Statement) in mind:

  • A thesis is a claim. A thesis is not an observation.
  • Because a thesis is a claim, a thesis takes a stand. A thesis does not merely announce or describe an issue.
  • A thesis statement is a complete statement and a complete sentence. A thesis is not a restatement of a paper's title.
  • A thesis is narrow in the scope of the claim it is making.
  • A thesis is specific in the claim it is making.

If you need additional help with making a good thesis statement, tutors are available in-person and online to assist you. For a full schedule and details, go to

  • Last Updated May 31, 2024
  • Views 101
  • Answered By Daniel Gallaher

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