How do I find peer reviewed or scholarly resources?
FCC's library offers many research databases that contain scholarly/peer reviewed articles. These databases are found in our Research Database list.
To limit the database list to only Scholarly Journal Databases, use the "All Database Types" dropdown and choose "Find Scholarly Articles."
The scholarly database that covers most subjects is Academic Search Premier, and depending on the topic, may be the best database to start your research. The other scholarly databases listed will focus on a specific subject or academic discipline.
Most databases will have an option to limit your search to only Scholarly Articles. After you do a search, look to the left side of page for ways to refine your results. To see a short video on limiting your results to scholarly articles in the EBSCO databases, click here.
You can see some tips on how to search a scholarly database by looking at our How to do Research in College guide or get a more comprehensive overview by using our Academic Search Premier Tutorial.
If you need help with your research, we are always happy to help! Contact us by email or look for our chat widget to start a live chat.