Can I use FCC resources if I am not an FCC student?
The general Learning Commons space is available for non-students, though current students have priority for all resources and services.
- Computers require a guest login which can be obtained at the Front Desk.
- Group project rooms are available on a first-come-first serve basis and current FCC students have priority over their use.
- Non-students do not have access to the Microsoft Office Suite
- Non-students can check out up to 5 books with a Frederick County Public Library card (physical or digital card must be shown to Front Desk)
- The WIFI password can be obtained from the Front Desk to connect your laptop or other device to the internet.
- Printing should be limited to FCC related activities.
- Alumni and non-students may receive one tutoring session per week at our Tutoring and Writing Center if no FCC students are waiting for service.
The current Learning Commons hours can be found at: