How do I format in-text citations for a play in-text in the MLA format?
When quoting from a play that does not have line numbers (such as Fences by Arthur Miller) in MLA style, use this format:
(Author Last Name page number; act number.scene number)
(Miller 61; 2.1)
If the author is obvious from the context, you don't need to include their name in-text. For example:
Miller highlights the theme of psychological barriers in Fences when Bono says, "Some people build fences to keep people out...and other people build fences to keep people in" (61;2.1).
For more information, see page 126 in the MLA Handbook.
If you are citing a play that has line numbers, such as a Shakespeare play, use the following format:
(Author last name act number.scene number.line numbers)
For example:
(Shakespeare 3.3.165-171)