How do I cite sources with numbered paragraphs, sections, or lines (such as poetry) in the MLA format?


When creating in-text citations for sources that number the paragraphs, lines, or sections, you put the author's last name, a comma, the label and then the number rather than the page number.

  • Line is not abbreviated, but the other labels are:
  • Paragraph/Paragraphs: par./pars.
  • Section/Sections: sec./secs.
  • Chapter/Chapters: ch./chs.


(Jones, line 4)

(Sunghei, chs. 3-4)

(Lock, par. 4)

When it has been established that the numbers are lines, you can omit the label:

(Jones 4)

Verse Works

When citing plays, you include the divisions (act, scene, canto, book, part) and line numbers, all separated by a period.

This example is from act 1, scene 5, lines 35-37 of Shakespeare's Hamlet:

(Hamlet 1.5.35-37)

For more information see:

The Owl at Purdue: In-text Citations

MLA Handbook Ninth Edition,  Sec. 6.20


  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2024
  • Views 26
  • Answered By Patty Hude

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