Is there a citation tool for graphs/infographics in Statista?


Statista is a library database where you can find different types of statistical information, such as infographics, graphs, and reports. Statista offers a citation tool that helps you to create a citation for many, but not all of its sources.

1) To find the citation tool for graphs and infographics (like the categories in the image below),


click on the search result you want to use. When the image of the graph loads, you will see a menu on the right side of the graph. The citation tool looks like a quotation mark. Click on it to select the citation style and to generate the citation.

2) The citation tool is also available for graphs found in PDF and PPT reports created by Statista. To find the citation tool for studies and reports (like the results in the image below),

open the report and go to page of the graph that you want to cite. In the text below the graph, you will see "Source(s)" next to a hyperlinked ID number. 

Click the hyperlinked ID number and it will bring you to the same graph on a different page in Statista. From there, you should see the graph with a menu on the right side. The citation tool looks like a quotation mark. Click on it to select your citation style and generate a citation.


3) Statista also offers access to reports that were written by outside sources (such as government agencies and other organizations). The citation tool is not available for these reports. Instead, you would cite the report using the rules of style guide you are using (see resources below for more information)

*Note: While the citation tools are helpful, we always recommend that you double check the accuracy of any citation generated by a tool or app using a reputable source, such as The Owl at Purdue

More Resources: 

FAQ: How do I cite statistics in the APA format?

FAQ: How do I cite a government report in the APA format?

OWL at Purdue- APA Format 

Citing a Government  Report in the MLA Format

FAQ: How do I cite statistics in the MLA format?

Owl at Purdue- MLA Format


  • Last Updated Dec 04, 2021
  • Views 40
  • Answered By Patty Hude

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