How do I cite a YouTube video using the MLA format?


To cite a YouTube video in your Works Cited using MLA, follow this format:

Include as much of the essential information as possible:

Last name, First Name of Video Creator. "Title of Video." YouTube, day month year it was uploaded, URL.

If the author is different from the uploader, cite the uploader's name (or username) after you cite the website (YouTube). Remember, omit the http:// for URLs.

Examples for Works Cited: 

LaurDIY. "How to Make a Mask at Home: 3 Easy DIY Masks." YouTube, 8 Apr. 2020,

Pretor-Pinney, Gavin. "Cloudy with a Chance of Joy." YouTube, uploaded by TED, 16 July 2013,


To do an in-text citation for a YouTube video:

As with other MLA in-text citations, you cite the author's last name first, but instead of page number, you use a time range for the section of video you are referring to.

For example:

The t-shirt mask is more comfortable than the bandana mask (LaurDIY 03:27-06:23).

Many of the early UFO pictures were actually lenticularis clouds (Pretor-Pinney 05:14-05:40).

More Resources:

MLA Style Blog 


  • Last Updated Jun 11, 2020
  • Views 2015
  • Answered By Patty Hude

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